2022 Yamaha “40 Under 40” — Celebrating Excellence in Music Education
Last year, Yamaha launched the “40 Under 40” music education advocacy program to celebrate and recognize outstanding music educators who are making a difference by growing and strengthening their music programs. Now, we celebrate the 2022 group of remarkable educators who triumphed before and during the pandemic to keep their programs thriving.
These 40 educators — all under the age of 40 — showcase the following characteristics: action (anticipate what needs to be done and proactively take the necessary steps that lead to a stronger music program), courage (propose and implement new or bold ideas), creativity (show innovation and imagination in achieving plans and objectives) and growth (establish, grow or improve music education in their schools and communities).
We received hundreds of nominations from students, parents, other teachers and administrators, local instrument dealers and mentors. The selected “40 Under 40” educators below have gone above and beyond to elevate music and music-making in their students’ lives — like Terry Nguyen, who shares traditional Japanese and Asian cultural and traditional arts, especially taiko drumming; Jennifer Stadler, who incorporates fun games and technology into her lessons at her private piano studio; Amanda Schoolland, whose music program honors the culture and traditions of the Tsimshian people who live in the small Alaska town of Metlakatla where she teaches; Alexander Wilga, who coordinated a proposal that secured guaranteed funding for music programs across his district; and Kenneth Perkins, who started a faculty and staff choir at his elementary school.
All the “40 Under 40” educators have remarkable stories behind their teaching philosophies and methods, and you’ll be inspired by all of them.
Join us in applauding the 2022 class of “40 Under 40” educators.
Meet the 2025 “40 Under 40” Educators
Meet the 2024 “40 Under 40” Educators

Dr. Justin Antos
Dwight D. Eisenhower High School
Blue Island, Illinois

Dr. Cassandra Bechard
University of Northwestern St. Paul
St. Paul, Minnesota

Dr. Robert Bryant
Assistant Professor of Music
Tennessee State University
Nashville, Tennessee

Danielle Collins
Academy for the Performing Arts
Huntington Beach High School
Huntington Beach, California

Dr. Nathan Dame
Fine Arts Department Chair
Wylie East High School
Wylie, Texas

Brandon Felder
SHABACH! K-8 Christian Academy
Landover, Maryland
Music Director
Georgetown University Gospel Choir
Washington, D.C.

Bryson Finney
Learning Technology Specialist
Metro Nashville Public Schools
Nashville, Tennessee

Alain Goindoo
West Palm Beach, Florida
Executive Director, Hope Symphony INC

Jayme Hayes
Mayberry Cultural and Fine Arts
Magnet Middle School
Wichita, Kansas

Dr. Jonathan Helmick
Associate Professor of Music,
Slippery Rock University
Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania

Damon Knepper
Ironwood Ridge High School
Oro Valley, Arizona

Tracy Meldrum
Verrado High School
Buckeye, Arizona

Dr. Justin John Moniz
Coordinator of Vocal Pedagogy
New York University — The Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development
New York, New York

Bryant Montalvo
Central Falls High School
Central Falls, Rhode Island

Joel Pohland
Assistant Band Director (5-7)
Pierz Healy High School
Pierz, Minnesota

Amanda Schoolland
Metlakatla High School
Metlakatla, Alaska

Jennifer Stadler
Jennifer Stadler’s Piano Studio
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Mark Stanford
Springfield High School
Springfield, Pennsylvania

Armond Walter
Meadville Area Middle School
Meadville Area Senior High School
Meadville, Pennsylvania