Behind-the-Scenes Video Tours of Yamaha Percussion Production Facilities
Pay a visit to where your percussion instruments are constructed.
These videos, featuring Yamaha Artist and Drum Corps legend Bret Kuhn, along with Yamaha Product Manager Joel Tetzlaff, showcase the various production facilities where Yamaha Percussion instruments are born. In each of the four videos, you’ll be introduced to the processes that help create various Yamaha instruments, including: marching drum shells; mallet keyboard construction and tuning; and how timpani bowls are formed and assembled. Enjoy your behind the scenes tour!
Marching Drums Part #1:
Marching Drums Part #2:
“One of the most impressive aspects of the trip to the factory was the attention to detail and quality control,” says Bret Kuhn. “I remember seeing the marimba and xylophone bars in a temperature controlled room where they sit for 60 plus days to cure before being put onto an instrument. Also, meeting the workers who create these instruments and seeing first-hand the care and detail that goes into this process was eye opening.”

During the tour, Brett and Joel have an opportunity to examine how wood is handcrafted and selected for Yamaha drum shells, a process that is critical in the construction of a drum. They also learn about the care taken in crafting percussion instruments from start to finish, investing time and effort into each one.
Additionally, they meet many employees, including a 25-year veteran of the factory who is in charge of packing and shipping.
Concert Percussion Part #3:
Timpani Part #4: