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Exercise Can Help Fine-Motor Skills

Research suggests that a burst of exercise can boost the fine-motor skills required to learn an instrument.

Compartmentalizing Stress in Teaching

All music educators deal with stress. The key is how you handle it. Here are some tips to navigate everyday stressors.

Looking for new – or new to you – ideas? Check out these teaching tips.

Apple sitting on stack of books with nearby stack of ABCs spelled in blocks.

The ABCs of Classroom Management

These 26 tips will help you connect with your students and make your music class run smoother.

Computer mouse on top of sheet music.

Try this Creative Composition Activity

Ignite creativity with this lesson, which teaches composing and arranging as well as sight reading. 

Teacher showing student how to play trombone.

Practice Effectively: Go Slow to Go Fast

Help students play music at a high level with slow practice and gradual increases in music difficulty. 

ASTA, MEAs, MTNA and PASIC – find out about these and other conferences for music educators here.