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Articles Tagged As wellness

An Easy Way to Rewire Your Brain

A mindfulness technique called Notice-Shift-Rewire can have lasting effects.

5 Ways to Conquer Procrastination

Wait! Don’t Put Off Reading this Article!

Work With Your Strengths

What is the VIA Survey, and can it help reveal your super teaching powers?  

Introverts: Surviving as a Quieter Music Educator

They may be rarer in the field, but introverted music teachers do exist — and can thrive professionally.

Your Teacher Identity

As your career progresses, you’ll go through several stages that might include imitation, experimentation, doubt and actualization.

10 Micropractices for Better Mental Health

A “less-is-more” approach can create mini wellness breaks for your brain.

The Science of Awe (and Why it Matters)

Awe is a specific emotion that can change how we see the world — and it might even be a key to happiness.

7 Self-Care Tips for Music Educators

Avoid burnout by creating a self-care routing that includes these seven tips.

5 Tools to Get Your Motivation Mojo Back

Try these five strategies to get your motivation motor running again.

The Power of Oxygen and Green Spaces Can Boost Student Performance

Boost your students’ focus and performance with some fresh air. 

Create a Happiness Playlist

Musician and composer Mark Mallman shares how a curated song list helped him manage anxiety and depression.

The New Normal

As in-person teaching resumes, music educators must adapt and thrive as they ease into a new era in education.

Strong Bonds: The Value of Teacher-Student Connections

Your positive, supportive relationships with your students can literally make them healthier for life.

Reset and Rethink New Year’s Resolutions

Forget old ideas like dieting or working out more. These approaches to New Year’s resolutions offer a fresh twist — and better results.

5 Ways to Stay Positive

Don’t get bogged down in negativity. Instead, keep moving toward your goals — no matter what life throws at you.

Why Everyone Needs to Practice Self-Regulation!

Wish you could keep cool, all the time? Self-regulation skills are just the ticket.

6 Ways to Overcome Overwhelm

Even the most flexible music educators can feel overwhelmed. Here are some ways to feel confident, even in the face of swirling change.

Stay Connected During Online Instruction

Find ways to feel more connected and less isolated from students and colleagues when when teaching remotely.

The Power of a Stress-Relieving Routine

Anchor your day with a stress-relieving routine. A schedule with pockets of time carved out for self-care is vital for music educators.

Positive Mental Health Strategies

With proper planning and the right strategies, you will have a healthier outlook on life and be a better music educator.

9 Strategies to Combat Burnout

Almost everyone will experience burnout at some point in their career. Here are nine ways to deal with it.

Avoid Burnout

When your attitude toward your career wavers, don’t succumb to burnout. Stay inspired and inspiring rather than self-combusting.